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Make Facebook work for you

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Make Facebook work for you.

Today I had and epiphany and I thought I would do the charitable thing and share it with all my lovely readers! I finally figured it out!  I've only been at it a few years!

So Facebook; We all know that social media is so important for anybody who running a website but how do you get readers interested in a page that is predominantly trying to sell something, of course it is easy if the page is selling exactly what is you as the customer are trying to buy, in fact as a customer you happy to have found it!  Which is great but the flip side of that is that if as the customer you don't wont to buy it right now then frankly the worst thing that any retailer can do is force my wares in front of you.  We don't want to spam but we do want to remind you that we are still there and still have great stuff to sell.

So that being said I finally figured out how to grow my "likes" and generate that much needed vibrancy and life on my facebook page and it too the launch of my sister company the Huddersfield Candy Cart to do it.

I launched the candy cart business on Facebook before the website the website is up and running and one of the first things that I wanted to do was to grow my likes, otherwise any posts that I put up there are just going to fall on deaf ears, the truth is that expecting prospective customers to stumble across you and start to follow what you are doing .... It really isn't going to happen that way.  Now, I have in the past made of use of "like ladders" but I did wonder what  was really the point of doing this.  I grow my "likes" for sure but what then ?  All my likes then belong to other businesses or business owners when what I really want to do is reach all those with a children's party on the horizon.

Truthfully, reaching out to those with child's birthday coming up, its not going to happen is it really, not unless I grow my following into the thousands.  So what about the other function that your Facebook page ... assuming that as website owners we have all linked our website to our pages then you bet that Google is watching!  Create a buzz on your page and get people talking about you and google will know and it helps your web pages ranking, that been said, does that mean that it doesn't really matter what the content of you page is all about ... does it?  So what is that you and all those other business owners out want?  Exposure, thats what they want, so if you talk about them chances are they will interact with you.... and interaction equals exposure equals vibrancy equals interest equals more traffic!

So lets be Facebook friends!  

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