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Blog - Jewellery Party

DIY Parties for Teenage Girls

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Girls Parties at Home

Spa Party

Spa parties are great for the younger teenagers, the older ones tend to want to do their own thing, but for the younger ones a little bit of pampering at home is just the thing.  It can get expensive very quickly so be careful.

Ask the girls to come in comfortable loose fitting clothes and to bring their own dressing gown, PJ's and a dressing gown is perfect! They also need to bring a bowl big enough to soak their feet it, you will need to provide the warm water, rose petals and a few drops of a suitable essential oil in each bowl and there is the first activity sorted!  

You will also want to get each girl soaking their finger tips too and while they are doing this have them apply a lovely face mask and cucumber slices try and find a none muddy one and use the type that you need to peal away as they will have a huge amount of fun doing this.  You will need to provide the girls with some head bands to keep there hair away from their faces though.

After they have peeled away there mask and soaked their nails, spend some time teaching them how to push back their cuticles and take care of their finger nails before letting them have fun with some nail varnishes and glitters.

Speaking of glitters, a nice idea might be to give each girl a glitter tattoo, use a tattoo kit where you apply the glue direct to the skin and then dust with the skin safe glitters the resulting tattoo's are lovely!

Let the girls chill out with a fresh fruit smoothie and vegetable dips before sending them home with their pamper themed party favour.

MYO cosmetics

This can be really fun, teach the girls how to make their own lip gloss, sugar scrub or bath bombs and fizzers, it really depends on how adventurous you are as what you choose and their are lots of recipes out their, we have put together a receipe for sugar scrub together for you as this is so easy to do, this particular one smells divine!

A word of caution though, you do need to make sure that none of guest has any kind of skin condition or sensitivity, speak to all the parents first and give them a list of ingredients you are using.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub Recipe

1 Cup of White Sugar

1/2  a cup of almond oil

1/2 teaspoon Vitamin E oil

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (use extract rather than essence)

and 12 to 16 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix the liquid ingredients together first and then mix with the sugar.

You will need an air tight container for each girl to store their scrub in and take home with instructions to use about half a teaspoon at a time in the bath or shower, they should rub it over their skin before washing off to leave the skin feeling silky soft and smooth.

Dependant on how much time you have you may wish to find a second activity for them

Jewellery Party

This party theme is a huge hit with the pre teen set and the jewellery they make doubles as a party take home gift.

Gather together a fabulous collection of beads, craft sets, beading wire, cord and charms.  Great pieces can be found from old jewellery, try your local charity stores and car boot sales to see what you can find.  Cross stitch yarn make lovely friendship bracelets, hours in the making and fun to do, check out you tube for some inspirational friendship bracelet tutorials.

If you don't fancy hunting around for supplies you can always go for a couple of jewellery making kits that have all you need in one place.

Rock out to some tunes or watch a movie while they are crafting and your party will definitely be a hit!

Slumber Party

A perennial favourite with teenagers and one that can if you wish almost sort itself out, all you need to provide is the room for them to sleep in, a good movie and some snacks!  The girls will pretty much sort the rest out themselves, you will probably find that your daughter will give you a shopping list, but if not here is a good list of things you should think about getting:

A good selection of nail varnishes with toe separators for each girl, face masks, turbies, eye shadows, lipsticks and gloss, fake tan, hair spray, magazines and dependant on their age, what about a bottle of alcohol free sparkling wine?

Movie Night

It doesn't get any easier than Movie Night!

A DVD of your choice, some bean bags and cushions, pizza and snacks and really thats it people!  

The real trick is in the movie choice once you have that right, your party is done, just don't do what we did and loose the DVD!!!

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