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Avoiding the Sugar Crash After A Party

Would you believe that there is scientific research out there that suggests that there is no such thing as a sugar rush....I am not sure what to say to this as I have observed severe hyperactivity in both my children after a party or if they have consumed a lot of sugary treats all at [...]

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Sugar V Parties

Sugar and Children's Parties Many moons ago I was a new mum and my attitude towards sugar was that, actually sweets are part of your childhood and if you can't have sweets and treats when your a kid when can you have it?   Oh how things have changed!   Both my two react strongly to a sudden [...]

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Party Bag of the Week

Party Bag of the Week We haven't had a party bag of the week for absolutely ages!Newly created and especially for girls, we have a lot of filled party bags for boys that contain items that are supplied with both boys and girls items, so we have created Dudettes, which contains all those extra girls items [...]

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Brand New Favour Baskets

Anna and Elsa Favour Baskets New and exclusive for Party Bag Kids!! So new this is the latest in our favour basket range, we have been inspired by the fabulous move Frozen and gone for Anna and Elsa colours but still can't decide on our favourite finished colourways and embellishments... perhaps you can help!   Our Anna and [...]

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What are you doing for Halloween this year?

Halloween has to be one of my favourite times of the year!My children don't get to have much in the way of sweets and sugary treats in their diet, much to my disappointment really.My heart tells me that children almost have a right to eat sweets, its part of being a kid! My head tells [...]

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Super Hero Party Ideas

Super Hero Party for Comic Book Fans We are just loving the retro vibe around at the moment, there are so many fabulous and fun comic book type party supplies if you know where to look! There has been some great super hero type movies recently which has boosted this theme into one that is really hot [...]

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Power Cut at Party Bag Kids

Yesterday we had a power cut..... Quite an inconvenient one!  Although is there ever a convenient one?  Ah well maybe, I might remember a time as a slightly bored corporate monkey, where a power cut might have been quite a welcome break from the monotony!But an on-line retailer in a power cut, no internet access at [...]

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A to Z Party Themes for Boys. A to C

What started out as an easy blog post for this weeks Kids Views suddenly turned out to be a lot of fun and then too much like hard work to whittle my list of boys party themes down to just 10 themes!  In the end I set myself the challenge to come with a theme [...]

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Top Ten Party Bag Toys for Girls

Top Ten Party Bag Toys for Girls So the party is at an end an finally they are all going home and you can relax!  accept that it is not quite over until the party bags are given out.  Whether you love em or hate em you can be absolutely sure that all those angelic little [...]

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Our Tour de France Adventure

We are so lucky that the Grand Depart passes within a couple of miles of our house, we are close enough to plan a great adventure but not so close that the disruption effects us greatly.  There was a small amount of inconvenience trying to park at the swimming baths the day before.  I hadn't [...]

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